
  • Restore your inner balance. Reiki is a healing modality that uses energy transmitted from the practitioners hands to help move stagnant energy and release blockages for emotional and physical wellbeing.

    When energy flows freely without blockages, we experience inner control.

    Experience a gong bath, chines, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks and a drum cleanse.

    Sound bath full journey

    In person

    60 minutes


    90 minutes


    Distant (virtual)

    60 minutes


  • 60 minutes


  • A guided breath work session followed by a mini sound healing session.

    Intentionally change your breathing patterns in a systematic and conscious way. Breath work reduces stress, creates feelings of openness, clarity, communication and connection. Close the session with a sound bath, which aid in the reduction of tension, anxiety and depression, while lowering blood pressure and acting as internal painkillers.

    Reach deep meditative and peaceful states in a guided session.

    60 minutes


    90 minutes


  • Tarot reading, breath work journey, closing meditation/clearing

    2.5 hours


Our private wellness appointments are by request only.

If you’re interested in booking, please email us for more information.